



My current main area of research is stochastic analysis, specifically in connection with problems of constructive quantum field theory. The focus is to develop tools and concepts which are suitable to describe and analyse the pathwise behaviour of quantum or random fields, including their description via partial differential equations and renormalization group ideas. More broadly speaking, I'm interested in problems of statistical mechanics of multiscale systems, analysis of PDEs with random terms and homogenisation theory, mathematical quantum mechanics, path-integral formalisms, non-commutative probability and non-commutative geometry. I've also some side interests in formalisation of mathematics.

Selected publications

Other material

Notes for the seminar held during the SRQ – Scaling limits, rough paths, quantum field theory research period in 2018 at the Newton Institute, Cambrige

My PhD thesis “Finite-size scaling in non-equilibirum critical phenomena” (University of Pisa, 2002) (pdf)