SRQ Seminar 20181116 Mitter (partial transcript)
Fixpoint argument
We have two recursions
\(\gamma < 1\), \(u_k = (\tilde{g}_k, \tilde{\mu}_k)\)
Solving these equations we have (solve \(\tilde{g}\) forward and \(\mu\) backward)
We are solving with the condition that coupling constant are bounded. So we can take the limit \(N \mathop{\rightarrow}\limits \infty\) and obtain
We consider now the whole trajectory \(v = (u_k, k \geqslant 0)\) and the two equations have the form
where the \(\tilde{g}_0\) in the recursion is considered an external parameter.
So we get a fixpoint problem in the space of trajectories with norm \(\| v \| = \sup_k | u_k |\). Solution is \(v_{\ast}\) and at the end we obtain a map \(\tilde{g}_0 \rightarrow \mu_0 = \mu_0 (\tilde{g}_0)\).