[November 4th 2024. Version 1]
Warning: work in progress. TODO: other relevant aspects
Literate programming was invented by Knuth to provide a literary work which would explain (unroll / open wide in front of us) a computer program by telling a story about it. It's about following a thread where a plot, made of chunks of the actual code of the program, is gradually unveiled. Collecting chunk after chunk, a special utility program can reconstitute the entirety of the code to be then given back to the computer, for execution or compilation. A monologue that occasionally becomes a dialogue.
I've encountered many times examples of literate programs. The most
famous is the TeX program itself, which take life as a narration in the
homonymous book “TeX the program” (here for a
the full collection of PDF files and here for the literate
Apart from TeX (and Metafont) other large programs are maintained as literate works: Axiom, the book “Physically based rendering”, the lcc retargetable ANSI C compiler, “Lisp In Small Pieces” and “Clojure in Small Pieces” (see also here for context on this last book).
However my brain “clicked” when I discovered peg.md by K. J. Sitaker. It is a small MarkDown document that gives a literate implementation of parsing expression grammars (PEGs) together with a meta compiler implemented in Javascript. What I found remarkable is the expressivity of the literate style to convey complex interactions among different computer idioms and dense representations of ideas, even when reduced to the essence of some tricks in a markdown text file. The text file peg.md contains the code of various versions of the Javascript PEG compiler, and a PEG meta-compiler written in itself, and the Makefile which extracts from the literate document a bootstrapping Javascript PEG compiler and use it to compile the PEG metacircular description of the PEG compiler progressively in two versions with larger set of features. Another Markdown file handaxeweb.md is the literate implementation of the Lua script which extracts the program files from the Markdown documents.
This made me realize that the expressivity of the literate style is both towards humans and towards the machine. A single literate document contains the code of various programs, maybe even written in different languages, which are gathered together and made speak to each other in ways in which is not possible in standard programming environments, where each program lives in a separate file while, usually, certain parts of a program here have their raison d'être in other parts of another program there. Think of HTML/Javascript/CSS plus maybe some code in C++ compiled to Webassembly and which has to interact with Javascript.
In this sense literate programming moves away from usual file-based programming in a direction completely orthogonal to what Smalltalk, Squeak/Pharo, NewSpeak, Unison or some image-based Lisp system does (e.g. Interlisp/Medley). In these systems everything is programmed in a single language: the living program is its own documentation and the narrative thread is provided by the user's interactive exploration of the hyperlinked web of “materialized code”.
A literate document is, instead, an heterodox medium where policies can be put in place to make different languages coexist, including natural language, and where a thread is provided by the writer (or maybe better the “editor” or “director”) who supervise and coordinate the various voices in order to provide a coherent and synesthetic intellectual experience to the reader, while still being able to distill automatically the various “voices” into different files for the use in a computer system.
It seems that this characteristic of LP is not usually valued or even
considered, see the discussion in the c2 wiki or in the Wikipedia page or in the literateprogramming.com
and softpanorama.org websites. All these expositions
collapse the idea of literate document towards a single programming
language. LP implementations are usually also targeted to a single
language with few exceptions (e.g.
So while certain languages implement domain-specific sub-languages in order to better model domain-specific (human) knowledge (see e.g. the language-oriented programming of Racket), literate programs are then (human) domain-specific super-languages.
While TeX was born as a literate program,
Since I'm studying the details of the inner workings of Clojure this seemed to be the right time to experiment with a literate form. I have put together the beginnings of a Clojure in Small Pieces book.
As Daly again points out in the talk “LP in the large”, big open source systems need literate programming to thrive and survive through time. Writing is the technology which allows us to transmit knowledge across time and space. Literate programs contains also the “why” some code exists or is modeled in some way instead of another, and also point out logical links among different parts of the code, which may not be materialized via the specific programming language in use.
[Talk about org.mode]
TeXmacs as a LP tools has many advantages over more classical solutions. First of all, there is no need of “tangling”, a TeXmacs document is “alive” and does not need to be compiled. Also a TeXmacs document is active, because can invoke Scheme scripts or other plugins which provide then interactive features and in particular can contain its very own “tangling” code, possibly modified and customized for the specific kind of document at hand. TeXmacs literate coding is self-contained and self-expandable and targeted to human fruition even more thanks to the user-centered design of the TeXmacs document system and user interface.
TeXmacs is also a large computer system. Not a single program, but a web of interconnected programs written in multiple languages: C++, Scheme, TeXmacs macro language for the styles and the packages and small DSLs for specific tasks (e.g. description of virtual glyphs, UI, etc..). All these pieces have to work together quite tightly for the system to work properly. Especially so because TeXmacs user interface (written mostly in Scheme) is tightly integrated both with the typesetter (written mostly in C++) and with the various typesetting macros and style packages (written in the TeXmacs macro language). Moreover it depends on various external libraries which have to be integrated via the usual wodoo of Makefiles and system specific configurations. And this without considering that export to HTML and LaTeX also means that we need some support files written in CSS, Javascript or LaTeX, which again have to be carefully coordinated with the exporting routines. Another complexity layer then come from the fact that the plugins which allow TeXmacs to communicate with the external world are written in a variety of languages, and despite the wire protocol allows a shallow coordination, they have to be also maintained alongside the main sources.
As I've tried to explain above, the crucial features I see in LP are two:
a metacircular description of complex computer systems via a (human) domain–specific super-language
an explanation and exploration device
They fit perfectly with the above description of TeXmacs. We need a tool which allow the community to obtain a shared understanding of the various sources in their interrelation and of the principles, design decisions and specific tradeoffs present in the codebase. TeXmacs itself is a document preparation system, so a literate development of TeXmacs can be metacircular in a very tight way: one can envisage that the TeXmacs system can be described by a TeXmacs literate document comprising all the various sources codes in a unique “book” which tells the story (or a story) of the program. In this vision there are no other source files than a web of hyperlinked TeXmacs documents. A Scheme script can extract the usual arborescence of OS files to be feed to the various compilers or to be assembled in runtime resources. The build process can be described alongside the system specific changes which can be even implemented in more flexible ways because the parametrization of the code is not in full control of the LP scripts. This will reduce the need for complex build systems, at the price of having available a bootstrapping avenue in the form of some cross-platform support or small Scheme interpreter which can “weave” the relevant sources to compile a first runnable version of TeXmacs.