Luca Fresta (2021–2024) ⋅ Now postdoc in Rome.
Paolo Rinaldi (2021–2024) ⋅ Now assistant professor at Università di Pavia.
Francesco Carlo De Vecchi (2018–2022) ⋅ Now assistant professor at Università di Pavia.
Luigi Borasi (2019–2021) ⋅ Now postdoc in Milan.
Baris Evren Ugurcan (2016–2019) ⋅ Now postdoc at Bergische Universität Wuppertal.
Nicolas Perkowski (2013–2014) ⋅ Now full professor at Freie Universität Berlin.
Da Li (2024–)
Andrea Pitrone (2024–)
Peter Paulovics (2023–)
Jaka Pelaic (2023–)
Vishnu Sanjay (2022–) (co-supervision with S. Olla at GSSI)
Sarah-Jean Meyer (2022–)
Mattia Turra (2018–2023) ⋅ “Infinitesimal analysis of singular stochastic partial differential equations” (url), University of Bonn. Now working in the private sector.
Lucio Galeati (2018–2022) ⋅ “Pathwise methods in regularisation by noise” (url), University of Bonn. Postdoc in at EPFL Losanne in the group of M. Colombo until 2024. Now tenure track Researcher (Ricertatore RTT) in Probability at the University of L'Aquila.
Nikolay Barashkov (2017–2021) ⋅ “A variational approach to Gibbs measures on function spaces” (url), University of Bon. Postdoc in Helsinki with A. Kupiainen until 2024. Now Junior Group Leader at MPI Leipzig.
Immanuel Zachhuber (2016–2020) ⋅ “Hyperbolic and dispersive singular stochastic PDEs” (url). Now postdoc in Berlin with N. Perkowski.
Marco Furlan (2014–2018) ⋅ “Structures contrôlées pour les équations aux dérivées partielles” (url), Dauphine University, Paris. Now working in the finance sector in Germany
Remi Catellier (2011–2014) ⋅ “Perturbations irrégulières et systèmes différentiels rugueux” (url), Dauphine University, Paris. Now Maître de Conferences at Université de Nice, Sophia Antipolis.
Romain Allez (2010–2013) “Chaos multiplicatif Gaussien, matrices aléatoires et applications” (url), Dauphine University, Paris. Now working in the finance sector in France.
Khalil Chouk (2010–2013) “Trois chemins contrôlés” (url), Dauphine University, Paris. Thesis funded by AXA Research (url). Now working in the finance sector in UK.
Daniel Bilsborrow ⋅ “Stochastic wave-packet reduction models and connections between them”, MSc in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics, Oxford University, TT 2024. (pdf)
Andrea Pitrone ⋅ “Flow approach for the stochastic Burgers equation”, Master in Matematica, Università di Pisa 2024. (pdf)
Chiunqiu Song ⋅ “Stochastic Quantisation of Abelian Higgs Model” SS2022 (pdf) (slides)
Sarah-Jean Meyer ⋅ “A Stochastic Control Perspective on Euclidean Quantum Field Theories” (pdf) SS2022 (slides)
Keixang Wang ⋅ “Global Solutions and Stationary Measure for Stochastic Cubic Nonlinear Wave Equation” SS2022
Jan Nöller ⋅ “Randomness and Symmetry in Quantum Control” WS2021/2022 (pdf)
Panagiotis Zografos ⋅ “Topics in Non-commutative Probability” WS2021/2022 (pdf)
Adrian Martini ⋅ “The Killed Mollified Super Brownian Motion and Paracontrolled Wild Sums” SS2020 (pdf)
Jacob Orenday Lares ⋅ “Topics in Quantum Probability” SS2020 (pdf)
Lukas Meier ⋅ “The true self-repelling motion” SS2019
Alexander Braun ⋅ “On the distribution of Scattering Coefficients in the context of image processing” SS2019 (pdf)
Johannes Levermann ⋅ “Computation of complex integrals via Monte-Carlo methods” WS2018/19
Saskia Zatzkowski ⋅ “Asymptotics of the Polaron Path Measure” SS2018
Anno Kurth ⋅ “Analysis of Singular Stochastic PDE” SS2018 (pdf)
Stefania Moutsana ⋅ “Topics on Mean Field Games theory” SS2018 (pdf)
Jonas Jansen ⋅ “Renormalization group methods for Stochastic PDEs” WS2017/18 (pdf)
Nikolay Barashkov ⋅ “Radiative transport limit of the random Schrödinger equation” (pdf) SS2017
Année 2008/2009
Cheikh Ahmet Diaham (Université Paris-Dauphine), Cubature sur un espace de Wiener et applications
Brahim Ahmedou (Université Paris-Dauphine), Equations différentielles stochastiques rétrogrades et applications à la finance
Oumar Aly Badar Sy (Université Paris-Dauphine), Formule Feynman Kac et applications
Année 2009/2010
Arezki Ait Mimoune (Université Paris-Dauphine), Analyse booléenne: sensibilité au bruit et applications
Khalil Chouk (Université Paris 6), Solutions rugueuses pour l'équations de Korteweg–de Vries
Stébastien Chouckroun (ENS Cachan), Equation d'Euler avec donnée initiale aléatoire
Année 2010/2011
Remi Catellier (ENS Cachan), Unicité des solutions pour les EDS
Ahmed Cheikh Sidiya (Université Paris-Dauphine), Cascades Stochastiques et l'équation de Navier-Stokes
Année 2011/2012
Alexander Rauber (Université Paris-Dauphine), Analyse des fonctions booléennes et le théorème “Majority is the stablest”
Ziad Metheni (Université Paris-Dauphine), Correspondances entre les EDP et la theorie des jeux. Etude du Laplacien infini et du jeu “Tug-of-War”
Qun Wang (Université Paris-Dauphine), A deterministic Norris-type estimate for fBm via Rough Path Approach
Soleimane Ndoye (Université Paris-Dauphine), Couverture et arbitrage dans ne structure non-probabiliste